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, a publication from Environmental Working
Group (EWG)

Fill your diet with fresh
fruits and vegetables




Lowering Your Calorie Intake, Eating Healthier

The foods of the food pyramid are necessary for our optimal health. But in what quantities and which ones are the best? These are questions that must be tailored to our individual needs. And the answers will benefit our unique needs. Healthy for me, is not the same as healthy for you. Everyone’s nutritional needs are different, and everyone’s level of calorie consumption is different.

Healthy eatingAccording to the guides published by the USDA, calorie needs vary from one age group to another, one gender to another. So how do you determine what your individual needs are? You can setup a journal for recording your daily caloric intake for about a month. Make a note of your weight each day. If you don’t gain any weight during the course of that month, you’re eating your recommended calorie level in order to maintain your weight. Now, take that calorie information, use the food pyramid and comprise a combination of foods that will help you achieve this recommended daily intake, and still be enough to be filling and please the palette. You now have an individualized healthy eating plan.

If your goal is to cut calorie consumption, you would be among the latest wave of health conscious individuals who believe that a low calorie intake keeps us in our healthiest condition. There have been studies done with rats that lend credibility to this claim. Lowering the rat’s body weight by only 10% yielded a longer life; longer life spans were noted for up to a 30% cut in daily calorie intake. Anything past that point produced unhealthy consequences. Now, exactly how this translates into human life spans, we’re not sure. Once the importance of a particular food plan is understood by us, it is a simple as learning our multiplication tables. We simply memorize the food requirements, and incorporate it into our daily intake asSurfer looking for the perfect wave needed. As you take the time to incorporate a healthy food plan, don’t’ forget the necessity of exercise in our daily lives. In order to keep our bodies healthy and functioning as expected, we need to keep it fit. This comes through proper amounts of exercise.

It is at this point in the process that we seem to lack the direction to finish what the government started. Maybe we need to incorporate these techniques into a class taught at school. Maybe this would give our young people the direction and tools they need in order to begin such a process, make it a lifetime habit, and pass it along to their children. Whatever the formula, your food intake and level of calorie content, will affect your general overall health everyday. Overeating can bring on obesity, under eating can bring about anemia; you need to find that one right guide for you, and plan, plan, plan.

Our Daily Food Intake Requirements

What do we really need as far as daily food intake? Are we determining this need based on calorie needs alone, or do we factor in our vitamin and mineral needs? If you were to ask the average person, the only consideration given would be to his or her calorie needs. Vitamins and minerals are still a fairly new topic for everyone, and not really considered when determining food intake needs.

FruitsCalorie consumption on the other hand, has obsessed our nation for the last several years, and is the only factor we consider when determining our food intake requirements. This factor will probably not be changing anytime soon, since most everyone in the medical, health, and fitness professions equate food requirements with calorie needs, also.

So, what contributes to our determination of our daily food intake requirements, from a purely caloric standpoint? What do we use as our guide to determine these levels? Most everyone looks at your current body weight, your physical activity, your age, and your gender. There are established guidelines for combining each value from each category, and then being able to configure your needs. It’s amazing that this much effort has been given to calorie and food intake alone. Could you imagine the possibilities if as much time was dedicated to deterring vitamin and mineral values as well, and then working with each person to accomplish these levels.

Since obesity is marching aggressively to the front of the “current epidemics” line, we should take a moment to address the number one cause of obesity. It isn’t the improper functioning of the thyroid gland, or any other system in the body. It is our problem of overeating. We simply eat too much.

In the area of medical inventions, an arm band has been created that can tell you your caloric burn, through every daily activity. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to take that one step further, and be able to distinguish caloric intake, caloric burn, how many calories you actually need, and how many you have left to consume. If you had such an instrument, persons wearing them would be more conscious of their food intake, and if it were equipped with loud sirens if you were to overeat, do you think anyone would overeat? No. You can bet they wouldn’t. Who wants to be accused of overeating, especially if they know that they have reached their limit?

It’s the regulation of our food intake, the provision of tools we need to make healthy decisions, and preventive education that would prohibit many of the health problems we are experiencing today. A population that is health conscious and controls their daily food intake is not an obese population. Nor are they a population with extreme hypertension, diabetic, and cardiac problems. All of these problems can be associated with obesity and nutritional abuse.

As our baby boomers age, and strive to retain their youthful looks and health, more and more emphasis will be placed on educating ourselves about our food intake and what we do and do not need.




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